Workshop: March 27, 2014
- It was energizing to talk to others outside my workplace.
- I would likely never have been in the right place to meet these students who have such worthwhile projects. In addition to contact information, the leading questions get right at people’s passion.
- This lab made me find a new network of people who I can potentially call on.
- I have met with other students, both undergraduates and graduates, with similar interest that I see myself working with.
- Networking with others - you never knew when their skills and experience will come in handy.
- It is amazing how much can be shared and how much depth is possible in a short time.
Workshop: February 4, 2014
- It helped me learn about the diverse perspectives of students in my class.
- Provided a connection to further my research.
- One student told me about a possible fellowship opportunity!
- It helped me realize what other resources (club, courses, organizations) exist at UF which I found really interesting.
- I think I can get at least 3 people to be expected as my future friend.
- It was interesting to know how many different experiences are in a relatively small group of people.
- People are so nice and I am more brave than I had thought.
- The most useful point is talking to people about my opinions or plans because sharing with others is so exciting.
Workshop: February 21, 2013
- It is extremely easy to talk to strangers when you know their background
- Talking to different people really allows me to know the areas they are interested in focusing now and in future. Their knowledge is very inspiring
- Meeting new people, and talking about their career goals. It was quite enlightening
- I learnt how to approach people I don’t know
- Meet strangers and make friends. Not so many chances in real life.
- Speaking with people I did not think had things in common with me. Surprisingly, I always had some sort of connection with the person I was talking to.
- I would like to try this “method” in group I work with.
- The PowerPoint in the beginning had a lot & useful tips to collaborating in a team.
- The poster was a great way to break the ice!
- The most useful part of the workshop was the speed “dating” rounds full of information because you are meeting new people.
- I enjoyed meeting a mixture of faculty and students. We do not get to talk to faculty and grad students often. So it was nice to make that connection
Workshop: January 31, 2013
- Issues are many/ Looking through different windows is important to find solution
- Directly connecting with students – getting them out of their comfort zone – thinking outside of the box
- Among all the people we meet you can find a partner to work with or a friend
- I think it helped me find other people who are in the “same boat” as I am
- It gave me the confidence to talk to others
- I found the process of this workshop most useful. This activity should prove useful in the future for networking.
Workshop: December 06, 2012
- The card with information is a great idea and helps conversation along
- Great initiative to break disciplinary walls
- The overall impression is excellent. It makes you feel the diversity and synergy of the world
- 3 - Minutes speed meeting & Idea boards help us tap into others resources
- I went to a grant unity workshop with Bess. You are all very capable of organizing. Kudos!
- I am an introvert person, having difficulty talking to strangers. This workshop helped me a lot in dealing with this.
Workshop: October 02, 2012
- The most useful part was meeting everyone in class which would have taken much longer without the workshop
- It was useful to be forced to talk to people I might not talk to otherwise. We often learn most from people who are outside of our “norms”.
Workshop: February 08, 2012
- This is an eye opening event which allows me to measure my ability and capture the real world outside my own small side.
- The profiles helped start conversations and break the ice.
- The sharing of ideas from different backgrounds is really useful
- Help you overcome the fear of talking to strangers (because you have to move!)
- I met new people and feel better about talking
Workshop: February 03, 2012
- Makes me more confident with strangers. Get more information and resource from people in other disciplines.
- It’s a good way to introduce ourselves to other people and know about their area.
- Shocking to meet people in completely different areas and still find something in common.
- I was really shy about this exercise. But providing information about ourselves made it much easier to meet and talk to others. I feel better about meeting my classmates.
Workshop: November 17, 2011
- Liked the idea of meeting people, exchanging ideas, to see what connections could be made
- Love the process! A new experience for me- I can see a variety of applications
- It helped me meet people much different than me in discipline, background, helped me to better put into words what I do. Presented an unusual opportunity to quickly meet many new people.
- The randomness of people forced to think of ways to collaborate that I had never considered.
- It has given me with confidence to make it big with my new idea. I got some valuable feedback!
- Increased my confidence to start talk with strangers or people who I barely know.
- Helps to build relationship in the short time, to find out what you are interested in from the strangers
- I got to know people’s perception of me, providing a feedback evaluation of my strengths and weakness. I got an insight into working with different type of people.
Workshop: October 26, 2011
- I like the idea and motive behind the workshop
- The bios are short. It introduces you to their field quickly. You are able to ask more specific questions starting out.
- The workshop helped to develop a concise introduction of self and also to develop questions to ask others on the fly.
- Relaxing activity with potential benefits
- Breaking the ICE of meeting new people phobia