Printers' Devices Name Authority File | |||||
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The following is a list of names of the printers, publishers, and device designers that appear in the records. As there can be numerous variations of a name in different publications, it is necessary to refer to the individual by only one name. The list is based upon the Name Authority File maintained by the Library of Congress and contributed to by libraries and institutions authorized to do so. Not all of the variants are listed below; only those most likely to be encountered. One significant difference is the use of "Name, family of printers." This is not found in the LC NAF. However, it is a useful addition when it is difficult or irrelevant to determine which family member was responsible for a book. It is to be used largely in addition to a name. Also, there are names that are not in the LC NAF that will either appear in the publication or a reference book. In these cases, the most commonly used form of the name in various cataloging sources will be used. All names not in the LC NAF will have an annotation (Not NAF.)
Abbe, Dorothy
Acorn Press (Berkeley, Calif.) (Not NAF)
Adam, Helen R. (Not NAF)
Adams, Glen Cameron (Not NAF)
Aertssens, Hendrik, 1586-1658
Aldus Manutius, 1449 or 50-1515
Use: Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 50-1515
Allen, Dorothy, 1908-
Allen, Lewis M.
Allen Press
Altschul, Frank, 1887-1981
Anderson, Gregg, 1908-1944
Anderson, Victor
Andrea, socerus, 1451-1529
Use: Torresanus, Andreas, de Asula, 1451-1529
Andreas, de Asula, 1451-1529
Use: Torresanus, Andreas, de Asula, 1451-1529
Angelo, Valenti, 1897-
Appletree Press (Not NAF)
Archer, H. Richard (Horace Richard), 1911-
Aristotile, Nicolaus de, fl. 1508-1544
Use: Zoppino, Nicolò, fl. 1508-1544
Arsen, Hendrik
Use: Aertssens, Hendrik, 1586-1658
Art Institute of Chicago
Artsen, Hendrik
Use: Aertssens, Hendrik, 1586-1658
Arundo Press (Not NAF)
Ascensius, Jodocus Badius, 1462-1535
Use: Badius, Josse, 1462-1535
Asulanus, Andrea, socerus, 1451-1529
Use: Torresanus, Andreas, de Asula, 1451-1529
Asulanus, Andreas, 1451-1529
Use: Torresanus, Andreas, de Asula, 1451-1529
At the Sign of the Gargoyle (Chicago, Ill.)
Attic House (Not NAF)
Attic Press (Omaha, Neb.) (Not NAF)
Auk Press (Not NAF)
Babcock, Ralph
Backwoods Press (Not NAF)
Badius, Josse, 1462-1535
Banyan Press
Barnhart Brothers & Spindler
Bebel, Johann, d. ca.1550
Benedetti, Girolamo de
Use: Benedictus, Hieronymus de, d. 1530
Benedictus, Hieronymus de, d. 1530 (not NAF)
Bethers, Ray, 1902-
Between-Hours Press
Binneman, Henricus
Use: Bynnemann, Henry, d. 1583
Black Cat Press
Black Vine Press
Bonnell, Francis Earl (Not NAF)
Brazelton, Calvin (Not NAF)
Brodie, Warren J.
Brodie Printshop (Not NAF)
Bubb, Charles Clinch
Bunny Press (Not NAF)
Bynnemann, Henry, d. 1583
Carnes, A. Burton (Not NAF)
Carter, Joseph (Not NAF)
Caxton Club
Chappell, Warren, 1904-
Cheney, William Murray, 1907-
Cleland, T. M. (Thomas Maitland), 1880-1964
Clerk's Press
Cleveland, Rex (Not NAF)
Cloverleaf Press (Not NAF)
Coleman, Carroll
Company of Stationers of London
Use: Stationers' Company (London, England)
Cook, Wallace (Not NAF)
Cowstall Press (Not NAF)
Creekside Press (Not NAF)
Cramoisy, Sébastien, 1585-1669.
Crespin, Jean, d. 1572
Crispinus, Ioannes, d. 1572
Use: Crespin, Jean, d. 1572
Dean, Mallette, 1907-
De Giunta, Luceantonius, 1457-1538
Use: Giunta, Luca-Antonio, 1457-1538
Denham, Henry, d. 1589
DePol, John, 1913-
De Zanis, Bartholomio de, de Portesio, fl. 1486-1515
Use: Zanis, Bartholomaeus de, de Portesio, fl. 1486-1515
Dille, James M. (James Madison), 1907-
Dockside Press (Not NAF)
Domke, George C. (Not NAF)
Doomsday Press
Dow, John H. (Not NAF)
Drenner, D. von R. (Donald von Ruysdael) (Not NAF)
Drenner, D. von R. (Donald von Ruysdael), 1915-
DuVall, Arthur. (Not NAF)
Dwiggins, W. A. (William Addison), 1880-1956
Eckman, James Russell, 1908-
Emmons, Earl H., 1888-
Endgrain Press
Episcopius, Nicolaus, 1501-1564
Espinosa, Antonio de, d. 1578 (Not NAF)
Estienne, Robert, 1503?-1559
Eucalyptus Press
Evans, Henry Herman, 1918-
Evans, Judith
Evans, Patricia, 1920-
Fabricius, Blasius (Not NAF)
Fass, John S. (John Stroble), b. 1890
Faulconer, Arthur F. (Not NAF)
Feather Vender Press (Not NAF)
Feathered Serpent Press
Ferrara, Nicolas de, fl. 1508-1544
Use: Zoppino, Nicolò, fl. 1508-1544
Flötner, Peter, 1485-1546
Forgue, Norman W.
Fredericks, Claude
Freedman, Ted, 1906-
Froben, Johann, d. 1527
Frobenius, Ioannes, d. 1527
Use: Froben, Johann, d. 1527
Ye Galleon Press
Garnett, Porter, 1871-1951
Gerlier, Durand, fl. 1492-1530
Use: Petit, Jean, |d fl. 1492-1530
Giovanni, da Cereto
Use: Joannes, Tacuinus, de Tridino
Giunta, Bernardo, 1487-1551
Giunta, Giuntino, fl. 1508-1511 (Not NAF)
Giunta, Luca-Antonio, 1457-1538
Giunti, Bernardo, 1487-1551
Use: Giunta, Bernardo, 1487-1551
Giunti, Luca-Antonio, 1457-1538
Use: Giunta, Luca-Antonio, 1457-1538
Glad Hand Press
Gleason, Elmer F. (Not NAF)
Golden Cross Press (Not NAF)
Golden Hind Press (Madison, N.J.)
Goudy, Frederic W. (Frederic William), 1865-1947
Grauer, Ben
Graves, Joseph
Gravesend Press (Not NAF)
Green Leaf Press (Not NAF)
Gryphius, Sebastianus, 1493-1556 (not NAF)
Hammer Creek Press
Hart, James David, 1911-
Hart Press
Haywood, Matilda S. (Not NAF)
Haywood, William F.
Haywood Press (Not NAF)
Herbert W. Simpson Inc.
Hervagius, Joannes, 1497-1559?
Use: Herwagen, Johann, 1497-1559?
Herwagen, Johann, 1497-1559?
Holt, Hallie H., 1890- (Not NAF)
Hugo, Harold
Ibarra, Joaquin, 1725-1785 (not NAF)
Ishill, Joseph
Jehannot, Etienne
Joannes, Tacuinus, de Tridino
Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 1462-1535
Use: Badius, Josse, 1462-1535
Jones, Robert M.
Jung, Theodor (Not NAF)
Junge, Carl S. (Carl Stephen), 1880-1972
Junta, Lucaantonius, 1457-1538
Use: Giunta, Luca-Antonio, 1457-1538
Kahoe, Walter, 1905-
Keep, Rosalind Amelia (Not NAF)
Kelley, Marion (Not NAF)
Kelley, Don Greame, 1913-1991? (Not NAF)
Kennedy, Lawton, 1900-
Kent, Norman, 1903-1972
Kesler, Nicolaus, fl. 1471-1510 (not NAF)
Kofron, Frank (Not NAF)
Kredel, Fritz, 1900-1973
L-D Allen Press
Laboratory Press
Lankes, Frank (Not NAF)
Lankes, Julius J., 1884-1960
Lawson, Alexander S.
Le Hullin, Perrette (not NAF)
Leloup, Louis, 1929-
Le Noir, Michel, d. 1520
Lilienthal, Frances B. (Not NAF)
Lilienthal, Theodore M. (Theodore Max), 1893-1972
Lockwood, Will (Not NAF)
Low, Joseph, 1911-
Lownes, Humphrey, d. 1629
Lucky Dog Press (Not NAF)
Macauley, George W. (Not NAF)
Maestro Books (Not NAF)
Mannarino, Helen Robertson (Not NAF)
Manutius, Aldus, 1449 or 50-1515
Use: Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 50-1515
Manutius, Paulus, 1512-1574
Use: Manuzio, Paolo, 1512-1574
Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 50-1515
Manuzio, family of printers. (Not NAF)
Manuzio, Paolo, 1512-1574
Mareschal, Jacques, ca. 1475-1529 or 30
Maverick Press
Metzl, Ervine, 1899-
Mayhew Press (Not NAF)
Miller, George, d. 1646. (Not NAF)
Miller, Steve, 1950-
Montagna, Benedetto (Not NAF)
Moore, Edward Martin (Not NAF)
Moreau, Louis, 1883-
Nardi, Simeone di Niccolo, fl. 1502-1539
Neel, Marvin H. (Marvin Harmon), 1908-1980?
Nivelle, Sébastien, 1523 or 25-1603
Noheimer, Mathias (Not NAF)
Normandie House (Not NAF)
Nyvelle, Sébastien, 1523 or 25-1603
Use: Nivelle, Sébastien, 1523 or 25-1603
Ochiltree Press (Not NAF)
O'Donnol, Dion, 1912- (Not NAF)
Officina Plantiniana
Use: Plantijnsche Drukkerij
Ogham Press (Not NAF)
Oriole Press (Berkeley Heights, N.J.)
Overbrook Press
Paolo, Vincenzo de, 16th cent.
Use: Vicentio, 16th cent.
Parvus, Joannes, fl. 1492-1530
Use: Petit, Jean, fl. 1492-1530
Parys, Guillaume van, d. 1586 (Not NAF)
Peregrine Press
Peterlein, Hans, 1497-1550
Use: Petrejus, Johannes, 1497-1550
Petit, Jean, fl. 1492-1530
Petrejus, Johannes, 1497-1550
Petri, Johannes, 1497-1550
Use: Petrejus, Johannes, 1497-1550
Pigouchet, Philippe, 15th/16th cent.
Pincius, Philippus, fl. 1490-1530
Use: Pinzi, Filippo, fl. 1490-1530
Pinzi, Filippo, fl. 1490-1530
Plantijnsche Drukkerij
Platen Press
Platonides de Benedictus, Hieronymus, d. 1530
Use: Benedictus, Hieronymus de, d. 1530
Pocahontas Press (Not NAF)
Pony Barn Press (Not NAF)
Prairie Press
Press of George C. Domke (Not NAF)
Press of Lewis and Dorothy Allen (Not NAF)
Press of the Good Mountain
Private Press of Dave Webb (Not NAF)
Private Press of the Indiana Kid
Privy Council Press
Purcell, William Gray, 1880-1965
Puterschein-Hingham (Not NAF)
Quercus Press
Raphelengius, Christoffel, 1566-1600
Ratigan, William O. (Not NAF)
Red Hydra Press
Reginaldus, Franciscus, d. ca. 1540
Use: Regnault, François, d. ca. 1540
Regnault, François, d. ca. 1540
Regnault, Pierre, fl. 1489-1528 (Not NAF)
Renaldus, Franciscus, d. ca. 1540
Use: Regnault, François, d. ca. 1540
Rochester Institute of Technology
Roland, Jacques, ca. 1475-1529 or 30
Use: Mareschal, Jacques, ca. 1475-1529 or 30
Rome, Richardson, 1902- (Not NAF)
Rose Valley Press (Not NAF)
Rossi, Nicolò dei, fl. 1508-1544
Use: Zoppino, Nicolò, fl. 1508-1544
Rushmore, Arthur W., 1883-1955
Rushmore, Edna Keeler, 1884-1971
Ruzicka, Rudolph, 1883-
Sangamon Press (Not NAF)
Saul, Milton (Not NAF)
Scarlet Cockerel Press (Not NAF)
Schabler, Johann, d. 1540
Schmitt, Paul (Not NAF)
Schurer, Matthias, d. 1519
Scotto, Ottaviano, d. 1498
Scotus, Octavianus, d. 1498
Use: Scotto, Ottaviano, d. 1498
Scotus, Octavianus de Modoetia
Use: Scotto, Ottaviano, d. 1498
Scotto (Firm)
Seeger, Harold (Not NAF)
Sessa, Melchoirre, fl. 1506-1549
Shevis, W. A.
Short, Peter, d. 1603
Sign of the Hippogryph
Silver Quoin Press
Silverado Press (Not NAF)
Simpson, Herbert W., 1904-
Smith, Harry Leroy, 1887- (Not NAF)
Societas Stationariorum
Use: Stationers' Company (London, England)
Sperisen, Albert, 1908-
Spink, Helm (Not NAF)
Stationers' Company (London, England)
Stephanus, Robertus, 1503?-1559
Use: Estienne, Robert, 1503?-1559
Stoer, Jacques, 1540?-1610
Stoerius, Iacobus
Use: Stoer, Jacques, 1540?-1610
Stowell, Robert Frederick, 1920- (Not NAF)
Stratford Press
Strouse, Norman H.
Sumac Press
Tacuinus, Joannes, de Tridino
Use: Joannes, Tacuinus, de Tridino
Themerson, Franciszka
Thomas, Frederick Folger, b. 1885
Thrift, Timothy Burr, 1883- (Not NAF)
Timothy Press
Tompkins, Willis W.
Torresani, Andrea, de Asula, 1451-1529
Use: Torresanus, Andreas, de Asula, 1451-1529
Torresanus, Andreas, de Asula, 1451-1529
Tory, Geoffroy, Widow of
Use: Le Hullin, Perrette
Tridino, Joannes, Tacuinus de
Use: Joannes, Tacuinus, de Tridino
Trovillion, Hal W., 1879-
Trovillion, Violet, b. 1890
Trovillion Private Press
Van Antwerp, Edith (Not NAF)
Verard, Antoine, d. ca. 1513
Verad, Anthoine
Use: Verard, Antoine, d. ca. 1513
Vicentio, 16th cent.
Vignon, family of printers (Not NAF)
Village Press
Vincent, Antoine, d. 1568
Vincent, Simon (Not NAF)
Vostre, Simon, d. 1521 (Not NAF)
Wagon and Star Press (Not NAF)
Webb, David Knowlton, 1904- (Not NAF)
Weygand, James Lamar
Weygand, Ray, 1911-1995 (Not NAF)
Weygand, Robert Vernon, 1922-1992 (Not NAF)
White, Lewis F. (Lewis Felix), b. 1895
Widow of Geoffroy Tory
Use: Le Hullin, Perrette
Wildwood Press (Not NAF)
Wolfe, Reyner, d. 1573
Wulling, Emerson G.
Wolfe, Reyner, d. 1573
Yardley, Richard, d. 1593
Young, Robert, d. 1643
Zani, Bartolomeo
Use: Zanis, Bartholomaeus de, de Portesio, fl. 1486-1515
Zanis, Augustinus de, de Portesio, fl. 1509-1528 (Not NAF)
Zanis, Bartholomaeus de, de Portesio, fl. 1486-1515
Zannis, Bartholomio de, de Portesio, fl. 1486-1515
Use: Zanis, Bartholomaeus de, de Portesio, fl. 1486-1515
Zauberberg Press
Zoppino, Nicolò, fl. 1508-1544
Zurcher, Suzette Morton (Not NAF)