

Professor Robert Hatch
Fall 2000


From: The Sphere of Marcus Manilius Made an English Poem by Sherburne. London, 1675.

Supplement from the Rare Book Collection

Classical Medieval 16th Century 17th Century 18th Century


Archimedis opera non nvlla / a Federico Commandino vrbinate nvper in latinvm conversa, in commentariis illustrata : quorum nomina in sequenti pagina leguntur ...
Venetiis : apud Paulum Manutium, Aldi f., 1558.
2 pts. in 1 ([4], 55 numb. l., [3], 63 numb. l., [1] l.) : diagrs. ; 30 cm.
QA31 .A68 1558

[De caelo. Latin. 1542]
Aristotelis Stagyritae libri quatuor de coelo et mundo : subnexis eius duobus illis De generatione & corrup. : cum singuloru[m] epitomis, hactenus non impressis, ac Averro. fidiss. interprete : necnon eiusdem opusculum De substantia orbis, in calce operis appositu[m], cum apostillis. M. Ant. Z[imara] ...
Lugduni : Apud Iacob. Giunctam, 1542.
324 leaves : ill. ; 17 cm.
PA3892 .C5 1542

[Elementa. 1660]
Euclid's elements of geometry / In XV. Books: With a supplement of divers propositions and corollaries. To which is added, a Treatise of Regular Solids, By Campane and Flvssas. Likewise Euclid's Data: and Marinus his Preface thereunto annexed. Also a treatise of the Divisions of Superficies, ascribed to Machomet Bagdedine, but published by Commandine, at the request of John Dee... whose Preface to the said Treatise declares it to be the Worke of Euclide... Published by the care and Industry of John Leeke and George Serle...
London : Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for G. Sawbridge, 1660-1661.
1 p. ., (48), 650 p.
513 E86eE

Proclus, ca. 410-485
[De sphaera. Latin & Greek]
Procli De sphaera liber. Cleomedis De mvndo, sive Circularis inspectionis meteororum libri duo. Arati Solensis Phaenomena, siue Apparentia. Dionysii Aphri Descriptio orbis habitabilis. Omnia Graece & Latine ita coniuncta, vt conferri ab vtriusque linguae studiosis, in quorum gratiam eduntur, possint: adiectis etiam annotationibus.
Antverpiae, Ex officina Ioannis Loei, 1553.
[9], 476 p. 17 cm.
881 P8.d 1553


Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294.
Fratis Rogeri Bacon, ordinis minorum, Opus majus ad clementem quartum, pontificem romanum. Ex ms. Codice Dubliniense, cum aliis quibusdam collato, nunc primum edidit S. Jebb, M.D.
Londini, Typis Gulielmi Bowyer, MDCCXXXIII. 1733.
[xxvii], 477, [5] p. 2 fold. plates, fold. table. 38 cm.
189 B129or 1733 Oversize

Jacobus Philippus, Bergomensis, 1434-1520.
[Supplementum chronicarum]
Opus preclarum supplementum chronica [rum] vulgo appattatu : in omnimoda historia nouissime congesta Fratris Jacobi Philippi Bergomensis : religionis heremitaru diui Auguistini decoris : saustissime inchoat.
[Venetiis : Bernardum Rizum, 1490]
[12], 261, [1] leaves (first and last blank) : col. ill ; 31 cm.
909 F718s Oversize

Llull, Ramon, 1232?-1316.
Opera ea quae ad adinventam ab ipso artem universalem scientiarum artiumque omnium brevi compendio ...
Argentinae : Sumptibus Lazari Zetzneri, [1598]
12 p. l., 992, [29] p. : ill., tables [2 fold.], diagrs. ; 18 cm.
501 L955o

Peurbach, Georg von, 1423-1461.
Theoricae novae planetarum ...
Coloniae Agrippinae : Apud Haeredes Arnoldi Birchmanni, 1581.
[xii], 256 p : ill. ; 16 cm.
521.5 P514t 1581

Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, fl. 1230.
Opusculu[m] de sphera mu[n]di Ioannis de sacro busto: cu[m] additionib[us] : [et] familiarissimo co[m]me[n]tario Petri Ciruelli Daroce[n]sis: nunc recenter correctis a suo autore : intersertis etia[m] egregijs questionibu[s] d[omi]ni Petri de Aliaco.
[Alcala, Michael de Eguia, 1526]
lxxiii numbered, 1 unnumbered leaves. woodcuts, diagrs. 28 cm.
QB41 .S211 1526


Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 1522-1605?
[Monstrorum historia]
Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricii Bononiensis Monstrorum historia : cum Paralipomenis histori_ omnium animalium / Bartholom_us Ambrosinus ... labore, et studio uolumen composuit ; Marcus Antonius Bernia in lucem edidit proprijs sumptibus ... cum indice copiosissimo.
Bononiae : Typis Nicolai Tebaldini, 1642.
2 v. in 1 : ill. ; 36 cm.
574.03 A365 v.11 Oversize

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 1473-1543.
Nicolai Copernici Torinensis. Astronomia instavrata, libris sex comprehensa, qui De revolutionibus orbium caelestium inscribuntur. Nunc demum post 75 ab obitu authoris annum integritati suae restituta, notisque illustrata, opera & studio d. Nicolai Mvlerii ...
Amstelrodami, excudebat Wilhelmus Iansonius, sub Solari aureo, MDCXVII.
11 p. ., 487 p. tables, diagrs. 24 cm.
QB41 .C75

Dodoens, Rembert, 1517-1585.
A nievve herball; or, Historie of plantes: wherein is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes: their diuers and sundry kindes ... and that not onely of those which are here growyng in this our cuntrie of Englande but of all others also of forrayne realmes commonly used in physicke. First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue, by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens ... and now first translated out of French into English, by Henry Lyte.
London, G. Dewes, 1578.
12 p.l., 779, [25] p. illus. (incl port.) 30 cm.
451.7 D643n Oversize

An Introduction of algorisme : to learn to recken wyth the counters, in whole numbers or in broken / Newly oversene and corrected. Whereto is annexed certaine notable and pleasant rules of false positions not before sene in our English toung. By which all maner of difficil questions may easely be dissolved and assoyled.
London : J. Awdeley, 1574.
[116] leaves : woodcut figs. ; (8vo)
The same work was published in 1546 with the title 'An introduction for to lerne to recken with the pen.'
QA9.58 .I571 1574

Khunrath, Heinrich, 1560-1605.
Warhafftiger Bericht vom Philosophischen Athanore; Auch Brauch unnd Nutz desselbigen.
Editio secunda, & auctior.
[n.p.] : In verlegung des authoris, 1603.
60 p. ; 17 cm.
540.1 K45w

Mizauld, Antoine, d 1578.
Antonii Mizaldi Monlvciani
Lvtetiae, apud Guilielmum Cauellat, 1552.
8 p.l., 95 p. illus., diagrs. 17 cm.
523 M685d

Piccolomini, Alessandro, 1508-1578.
Della sfera del mondo.
Editione tertia.
In Vinetia : Al segno del pozzo, 1552.
2 v. in 1 : ill. ; 21 cm.
523 P591s 1552

Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco, 1470-1533.
Io. Francisci Pici Mirandulae domini, concordiaeqz comitis, physici libri duo ...
[Basileae : Apud Io. Frobenium, 1518]
123, [1] p.
530 P598p 1518

Porta, Giovanni Battista della, 1540-1615.
Natural magick.
London : Printed for T. Young and S. Speed, 1658.
3 p. l., [6] p. : ill., diagrs. ; 27 cm.
500 P839mE

Rondelet, Guillaume, 1507-1566.
Gvlielmi Rondeletii ... Libri de piscibus marinis, in quibus verae piscium effigies expressae sunt ...
Lugduni : apud Matthiam Bonhomme, 1554-55.
2 v. in 1 : ill. ; 35 cm.
597 R771l Oversize

Ruland, Martin, 1532-1602.
Lexicon alchemiae; sive, Dictionarium alchemisticum, cum obscuriorum verborum, & rerum hermeticarum, tum Theophrast Paracelsicarum phrasium, planam explicationem continens ..
[Francofurti] Cura ac sumtibus Zachariae Palhenii, 1612.
[8], 471 (i. e. 487) p. : illus. ; 22 cm.
QD25 .R9 1612


Academie des sciences (France)
Paris [etc.] Gauthier-Villars [etc.]
1666-86--1790; t.1-14 [1796-97]--1813-15; 2.ser., t.1- 1816-
506 A168mP

Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.
Francisci de Verulamio, summi Angliae cancellarii. Instauratio magna. Multi pertransibunt & augebitur scientia.
Londini, apud Joannem Billium, Typographum Regium. Anno 1620.
5 p. l, 360, 36 p., 1 l. 30 cm.
192 B128i Part 2 Oversize

Bartholin, Thomas, 1616-1680.
Thomae Bartholini Anatome ex omnium veterum recentiorumque observationibus. Imprimis institutionibus b. m. parentis Caspari Bartholini, ad circulationem Harvejanam, et vasa lymphatica.
Quartum renovata ...
Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Hackiana, 1673.
15 p.l., 807, [16] p. illus., plates (part fold.) port. 20 cm.
611 B286a

Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691.
The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle. In six volumes.
New ed.
London, Printed for J. and F. Rivington [etc.] 1772.
6 v. front. (port.) 16 pl. (14 fold.) diagrs. 30 x 24 cm.
508.1 B792 1772 Oversize

Descartes, Rene, 1596-1650.
Les principes de la philosophie, escrits en latin, par Rene Descartes. Et tr. en francois par vn de ses amis.
A Paris, Chez H. le Gras et E. Pepingve, 1651.
2 p. l., [58], 420 (i.e. 486) p., 1 l. 20 fold. diagrs. 21cm.
194 D445pFp 1651

Digby, Kenelm, Sir, 1603-1665.
Two treatises, in the one of which, The natvre of bodies; in the other, The natvre of mans sovle; is looked into: in way of discovery, of the immortality of reasonable sovles ...
At Paris, Printed by Gilles Blaizot, 1644.
[44], 1-466, [2] p. diagrs. 33 cm.
Q155 .D521 Oversize

Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642.
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico sopraordinario dello stvdio di Pisa.
Fiorenza, Per Gio: Batista Landini, 1632.
5 p. l., 458, [32] p. diagrs. 24 cm.
523 G158d

Glauber, Johann Rudolph, 1604?-1668?
The works of the highly experiences and famous chymist, John Rudolph Glauber: containing, great variety of choice secrets in medicine and alchymy in the working of metallick mines, and the seperation of metals: also, various cheap and easie ways of making salt-petre, and improving of barren-land, and the fruits of the earth ...
London, Printed by T. Milbourn, for the author, 1689.
6 p.l., 440, [4], 220, 92, [11] p. front., plates. 37 cm.
540.9 G551 Oversize

Harvey, William, 1578-1657.
Guilielmi Harveji Doct: & profess: Regii Exercitationes anatomicae, de motu cordis & sanguinis circulatione.
Roterodami : Ex officina Arnoldi Leers, 1671.
[xxi], 285, [11, vi, 10] p. : plates ; 13 cm.
612.17 H342e 1671

Hooke, Robert, 1635-1703.
The posthumous works of Robert Hooke ...
London, Printed by S. Smith and B. Walford, 1705.
4 p.l., xxviii, 572 (i.e. 506), [10] p., 1 l. 15 pl. (5 fold.) 33 cm.
504 H782 Oversize

Horrocks, Jeremiah, 1617?-1641.
[Selections. 1673]
Jeremiae Horroccii, Liverpoliensis Angli, ex Palatinatu Lancastriae, Opera posthuma ... : accedunt Guilielmi Crabtraei ... Observationes coelestes : in calce adjiciuntur Johannis Flamstedii ... De temporis aequation diatriba, Numeri ad lunae theoriam Horroccianam.
Londini : Typis Gulielmi Godbid : Impensis J. Martyn ... , 1673.
496 p., [2] folded leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cm.
Q111 .H671 1673

Huygens, Christiaan, 1629-1695.
Kosmotheoros, sive, De terris coelcestibus earumque ornatu conjecturae. English The celestial worlds discover'd : or, Conjectures concerning the inhabitants, plants and productions of the worlds in the planets / Written in Latin by Christianvs Hvygens, and inscrib'd to his brother Constantine Hvygens.
Second edition, corrected and enlarged.
London : Printed for James Knapton, 1722.
vi, 162 p., [5] leaves of folded plates : ill. ; 18 cm.
523.13 H987cE 1722

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, 1632-1723.
[Works. 1722.]
Opera omnia, seu, Arcana naturae : ope exactissimorum microscopiorum detecta, experimentis variis comprobata, epistolis, ad varios illustres viros, ut et ad integram, quae Londini floret, sapientem Societatem, cujus membrum est, datis, comprehensa, & quatuor tomis distincts / Antonii a Leeuwenhoek.
Editio novissima, prioribus emendatior, cum indicibus cuique tomo accomodatis.
Lugduni Batavorum : Apud Joh. Arnold. Langerak, 1772 [i.e., 1715-19]
574 L487

Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727.
Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflexions, refractions, inflections and colours of light. : Also two treatises of the species and magnitude of curvilinear figures.
London, Printed for S. Smith, and B. Walford, 1704.
2 p.l., 144, 211 (i.e. 213) [1] p. fold. plates. 25 x 21 cm.
535 N563o
For more of the Rare Book Collection Newton holdings.

Oughtred, William, 1575-1660.
Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus institutio : quae tum loisticae, tum analyticae, at que 'a Deo totius mathematicae, quasi clavis est.
Londini : Apud Thomam Harperum, 1631.
[8], 88 p. : ill. ; 16 cm.
511 O93a

Royal Society (Great Britain)
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.
London, Royal Society of London.
v. 1-177; 1665/66-1886.
506 R888ph

Sherburne, Edward, Sir, 1618-1702.
The sphere of Marcus Manilius made an English poem: with annotations and an astronomical appendix.
London, Printed for Nathanael Brooks, at the sign of the Angel in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1675.
9 p.l., 68 p. 1 l., 221, [9] p. incl. tables. front., plates, diagrs (part double) 42 x 27 cm.
871 M3a.Es, bk.1 Folio


Moivre, Abraham de, 1667-1754.
The doctrine of chances: or, A method of calculating the probability of events in play.
London, Printed by W. Pearson, for the author. 1718.
2 p., 1., xiv, 175 p. 26 cm.
519.2 M715d

Desaguliers, J. T. (John Theophilus), 1683-1744.
A system of experimental philosophy, prov'd by mechanicks. Wherein the principles and laws of physicks, mechanicks, hydrostaticks, and opticks, are demonstrated and explained at large, by a great number of curious experiments ... / by J. T. Desaguliers ... To which is added, Sir Isaac Newton's colours: The description of the condensing engine, with its apparatus: and Rowley's Horary; a machine representing the motion of the moon about the earth; Venus and Mercury about the sun, according to the Copernican system.
London : Printed for B. Creake, J. Sackfield, and sold by W. Mears, 1719.
19 prelim. leaves, 201, [3] p. : 10 fold. plates ; 21 cm.
QC19 .D47 1719

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