

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Edited by G. Thomas Tanselle

"Howe's attention to periodicals is a distinctive feature of his collecting, and he brought together some remarkable sets of scarce periodicals in the original wrappers: all thirty-six numbers of The American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowedge, which Hawthorne and his sister edited for six months in 1836 (NH 19); the first nine numbers of Voices of the True-Hearted, one of which contains a reprinting of 'The Celestial Rail-road' (NH 80); all seven numbers (and the extra) of The Weal-Reaf, the paper of the 1860 Essex Institute Fair, to which Hawthorne contributed (NH 124); the seven parts of The Atlantic Almanac, one of which includes a passage from Hawthorne's English notebooks (NH 148)."
Contains: 250 printed titles; 1 manuscript.
76 kb
Melville Herman Melville

Edited by G. Thomas Tanselle

"Parkman Howe's collection of Herman Melville is a significant collection: any assemblage of Melville material that includes, as Howe's does, copies of The Whale, John Marr, and Timoleon, along with even a single leaf of manuscript, must be regarded as important."
Contains: 115 printed titles; 1 manuscript.
28 kb