Alternative UF: Counterculture Through the Decades exhibition

Alternative UF

Counterculture Through the Decades



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This online exhibition features selections of images and text from an exhibition on display April 20 - May 31, 2009 in the Smathers Library Exhibit Gallery. The exhibition was created by Anastasia Bower, Candice Ellis, Ian Gaffney, and Bronwyn McCarthy, who were enrolled in the HIS 4944 Preserving History course and worked as undergraduate student interns in Special Collections during the Spring 2009 semester. The exhibition was produced with guidance from Jim Cusick, Carl Van Ness and John Nemmers.

The Alternative Press, 1959-1972
By Anastasia Bower

The Legacy of the Johns Committee
By Ian Gaffney

Demonstrations Against the Vietnam War
By Bronwyn McCarthy and Candice Ellis

The 1971 Sit-In and Campus Civil Rights
By Bronwyn McCarthy and Candice Ellis

Special thanks to Joyce Dewsbury, Barbara Hood, Bill Hanssen, Timothy Fritz, and to staff members of Special Collections for help with this exhibition.

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