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Recording by:  WRUF

Title: Florida Future:  E. T. York and Florida Agriculture

Dates: ca. 1970

Duration: 0:14:29

Identification: Tape recording 153      

File name: WRUF 19


Originally recorded on reel to reel tape 7.5

Digitally reformatted on February 2008


E. T. York, the Provost of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is interviewed by Jack Detweiler. Detweiler asks E.T. York various questions about the state of Florida agriculture such as the trends, the effect of the program Operation DARE (Developing Agricultural Resources Effectively), the future of small farms, what role the University of Florida is playing, and other questions.  The DARE program studied a ten year period from 1965-1975 and during the program York mentions that the program is at the halfway point so this radio program was probably broadcast around 1970.


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