
From: Gvlielmi Rondeletii ... Libri de piscibus marinis
By Guillaume Rondelet. Lyons, 1554.





LC & Dewey Index

Library Catalog

Rondelet, Guillaume, Gvlielmi Rondeletii ... Libri de piscibus 1554
Rondelet, Guillaume, L'histoire entiere des poissons 1558
Aldrovandi, Ulisse, De animalibus insectis libri septem, cum s 1602
Severino, Marco Aure Marci Aurelii Severini, thurii Tarsiensis, 1651
Lovell, Robert, Panzooruktologia; sive, Panzoologicominera 1661
Lister, Martin, Martini Lister ... Historiae animalium An 1678
Willughby, Francis, The ornithology of Francis Willughby 1678
Albin, Eleazar, A natural history of spiders, and other cu 1736
Swammerdam, Jan, Bybel der natuure 1737
Bougeant, G.-H. A philosophical amusement upon the languag 1739
Hildrop, John, Free thoughts upon the brute-creation; or, 1742
Owen, Charles, An essay towards a natural history of serp 1742
Linne, Carl von, Caroli Linnaei ... Fauna svecica, sistens 1746
Clerck, Carl Alexand Svenska spindlar uti sina hufvud-slagter i 1757
Rosel von Rosenhof, Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium in q 1758
Brisson, Mathurin Ja Ornithologia, sive, Synopsis methodica sis 1760
Scopoli, Giovanni An Ioannis Antonii Scopoli ... Entomologia Ca 1763
Forsskal, Peter, Descriptiones animalium, avium, amphibioru 1775
Goldsmith, Oliver, An history of the earth and animated natu 1779
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Bloch, Marcus Eliese Oeconomische naturgeschichte der fische de 1782
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Goldsmith, Oliver, An history of the earth and animated natu 1791
Clerck, Carl Alexand Aranei : or, A natural history of spiders, 1793
Wilhelm, Gottlieb To Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte 1795
Wilhelm, Gottlieb To Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte 1796
Donndorff, Johann Au Zoologische beytrage zur XIII. ausgabe des 1798
Wilhelm, Gottlieb To Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte 1801
Wilhelm, Gottlieb To Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte 1806
Latreille, Pierre An Considerations generales sur l'ordre natur 1810
Cuvier, Georges, Le regne animal distribue d'apres son orga 1817
Linnaean Society of Report of a committee of the Linnaean soci 1817
Hahn, Carl Wilhelm, Monographie der Spinnen 1820
Rafinesque, C.S. Ichthyologia ohiensis 1820
Lamouroux, Exposition methodique des genres de l'ordr 1821
Bonaparte, Charles L American ornithology; or, The natural hist 1825
Metaxa, Luigi, Osservazioni naturali intorno alle cavalle 1825
Trimmer, Mary. A natural history of the most remarkable q 1825
Crouch, Edmund A. An illustrated introduction to Lamarck's c 1826
Venning, Mary Anne. Rudiments of conchology : designed as a fa 1826
Harlan, Richard, American herpetology, or Genera of North A 1827
Wilson, Alexander, American ornithology; or, The natural hist 1828
Richardson, John, Fauna boreali-americana 1829
Audubon, John James, Ornithology biography 1831
Koch, C. L. Die Arachniden. Getreu nach der Natur abge 1831
Nuttall, Thomas, A manual of the ornithology of the United 1832
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Jardine, William, The natural history of humming-birds 1833
Nuttall, Thomas, A manual of the ornithology of the United 1834
Cuvier, Georges, Le regne animal distribue d'apres son orga 1836
Drury, Dru, Illustrations of exotic entomology, contai 1837
Walckenaer, C. A. Histoire naturelle des insectes : apteres 1837
Macgillivray, Willia A history of British quadrupeds 1838
Siebold, Philipp F Fauna japonica 1838
Wyatt, Thomas, A manual of conchology, according to the s 1838
Audubon, John James, A synopsis of the birds of North America 1839
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Lea, Isaac, Observations on the genus Unio, together w 1840
Sowerby, G. B. The conchological illustrations 1841
Agassiz, Louis, Nomenclator zoologicus, continens nomina s 1842
Holbrook, John Edwar North American herpetology 1842
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De Kay, James E. Zoology of New-York; or, The New-York faun 1844
Mantell, Gideon Alge Thoughts on animalcules : or, A glimpse of 1846
Johnston, George, A history of the British zoophytes 1847
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Lucas, Pierre Hippol Histoire naturelle des crustaces, des arac 1850
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Cuvier, Georges, The animal kingdom, arranged after its org 1854
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Harris, Thaddeus Wil A treatise on some of the insects injuriou 1862
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Semper, C. Animal life as affected by the natural con 1881
Becker, Leon, Les Arachnides de Belgique 1882
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Eaton, A.E. A revisional monograph of recent Ephemerid 1888
Brehms, Alfred C. Brehms Tierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Thi 1890
Simon, Eugene Louis, Histoire naturelle des araignees 1892

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Last Updated on 6/4/99