
From: A Treatise of the System of the World.
By Isaac Newton. London, 1728.





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Fine, Oronce, Orontii Finaei Delphinatis, regii mathemat 1556
Archimedes. Archimedis opera non nvlla 1558
  An Introduc-<sic> of algorisme : to learn 1574
Euclid. De gli Elementi d'Euclide libri quindici 1575
Vicentino, Silvio Be Quattro libri geometrici 1595
Oughtred, William, Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus insti 1631
Potter, Francis, An interpretation of the number 666. 1642
Bassi, D. Giulio. Dell' arimmetica pratica 1645
Vossius, Gerardus Jo Gerardi Ioannis Vossii De qvatvor artibvs 1650
Vlacq, Adriaan. Tables de sinus tangentes, secantes: et de 1651
Ward, Seth, Idea trigonometriae demonstratae : in usum 1654
Angeli, Stefano degl Problemata geometrica sexaginta. Circa con 1658
Euclid. Euclid's elements of geometry / In XV. Bo 1661
Barrow, Isaac, Lectio reverendi et doctissimi viri D. Isa 1678
Euclid. Euclidis Elementorum libri XV breviter dem 1678
Davila y Heredia, An Demostrar la inteligencia de Archimedes, q 1679
Ozanam, Jacques, Tables des sinus, tangentes et secantes; e 1685
Euclid. Euclidis Elementorum sex libri priores 1691
Lamy, Bernard, Nouveaux elemens de geometrie. 1692
Euclid. Planorum ac solidorum Euclidis Elementa fa 1693
Graaf, Abraham de, De geheele mathesis of wiskonst, herstelt 1694
Lusvergh, Giacomo. Di Galileo Galilei il compasso geometrico 1698
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Moore, Jonas, A mathematical compendium; or, Useful prac 1705
Whiston, William, Sir Isaac Newton's mathematick philosophy 1716
Moivre, Abraham de, The doctrine of chances: or, A method of c 1718
Renolds, George. The state of the greatest king, set forth 1721
Newton, Isaac, Philosophiae naturalis principia mathemati 1723
Newton, Isaac, A treatise of the system of the world 1728
Pemberton, Henry, A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. 1728
Malcolm, Alexander. A new system of arithmetick theorical and 1730
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Tacquet, Andre, Elementa geometriae planae ac solidae 1738
Saunderson, Nicolas, The elements of algebra, in ten books 1740
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Strong, Martin. An essay on the usefulness of mathematical 1745
Agnesi, Maria Gaetan Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della giove 1748
Dilworth, Thomas, The schoolmasters assistant. 1749
Rivard, Elements de mathematiques. 1752
Euler, Leonhard, Institutiones calculi differentialis cum e 1755
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Taylor, Michael, A sexagesimal table, exhibiting, at sight, 1780
Condorcet, Jean-Anto Essai sur l'application de l'analyse a la 1785
Pico della Mirandola Le rivoluzioni delle figure numeriche, sci 1792
Workman, Benjamin. The American accountant. 1793
Kaestner, Abraham Go Geschichte der Mathematik seit Wiederherst 1796
Lagrange, J. L. Theorie des fonctions analytiques, contena 1797
Lee, Chauncey, The American accomptant; being a plain, pr 1797
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Hamilton, Robert, An introduction to merchandize. 1799
Montucla, Jean Etien Histoire des mathematiques dans laquelle o 1799
Gauss, Carl Friedric Disquisitiones arithmeticae 1801
Taylor, Thomas, The elements of the true arithmetic of inf 1809
Vince, Samuel, The principles of fluxions: designed for 1812
Allaize, Cours de mathematiques, a l'usage des ecol 1813
Taylor, Thomas, The elements of a new arithmetical notatio 1823
Colburn, Warren, Arithmetic : being a sequel to First lesso 1824
Dupin, Charles, Mathematics practically applied to the use 1827
Barnes, William, A few words on the advantages of a more co 1834
Ostrander, Tobias. A complete system of mensuration of superf 1834
Barnes, William, A mathematical investigation of the princi 1835
Walkingame, Francis, The tutor's assistant : being a compendium 1839
Loewenstein, Baruch Bikure ha-limudiyot : le-va'er divre hakha 1863
Mishnat ha-Middot. Mishnat ha-midot. 1864
Slonimski, Hayyim Se Yesode hokhmat ha-shi`ur. 1865
Shlipirz, Yosef ben Sefer Tsofnat pa`neah : bo gilah ha-mehabe 1873

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