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![]() From: A Treatise of the System of the World. By Isaac Newton. London, 1728. |
MATHEMATICS1500-1900Date LC & Dewey Index |
Fine, Oronce, | Orontii Finaei Delphinatis, regii mathemat | 1556 |
Archimedes. | Archimedis opera non nvlla | 1558 |
An Introduc-<sic> of algorisme : to learn | 1574 | |
Euclid. | De gli Elementi d'Euclide libri quindici | 1575 |
Vicentino, Silvio Be | Quattro libri geometrici | 1595 |
Oughtred, William, | Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus insti | 1631 |
Potter, Francis, | An interpretation of the number 666. | 1642 |
Bassi, D. Giulio. | Dell' arimmetica pratica | 1645 |
Vossius, Gerardus Jo | Gerardi Ioannis Vossii De qvatvor artibvs | 1650 |
Vlacq, Adriaan. | Tables de sinus tangentes, secantes: et de | 1651 |
Ward, Seth, | Idea trigonometriae demonstratae : in usum | 1654 |
Angeli, Stefano degl | Problemata geometrica sexaginta. Circa con | 1658 |
Euclid. | Euclid's elements of geometry / In XV. Bo | 1661 |
Barrow, Isaac, | Lectio reverendi et doctissimi viri D. Isa | 1678 |
Euclid. | Euclidis Elementorum libri XV breviter dem | 1678 |
Davila y Heredia, An | Demostrar la inteligencia de Archimedes, q | 1679 |
Ozanam, Jacques, | Tables des sinus, tangentes et secantes; e | 1685 |
Euclid. | Euclidis Elementorum sex libri priores | 1691 |
Lamy, Bernard, | Nouveaux elemens de geometrie. | 1692 |
Euclid. | Planorum ac solidorum Euclidis Elementa fa | 1693 |
Graaf, Abraham de, | De geheele mathesis of wiskonst, herstelt | 1694 |
Lusvergh, Giacomo. | Di Galileo Galilei il compasso geometrico | 1698 |
Ozanam, Jacques, | Recreations mathematiques et physiques | 1700 |
Moore, Jonas, | A mathematical compendium; or, Useful prac | 1705 |
Whiston, William, | Sir Isaac Newton's mathematick philosophy | 1716 |
Moivre, Abraham de, | The doctrine of chances: or, A method of c | 1718 |
Renolds, George. | The state of the greatest king, set forth | 1721 |
Newton, Isaac, | Philosophiae naturalis principia mathemati | 1723 |
Newton, Isaac, | A treatise of the system of the world | 1728 |
Pemberton, Henry, | A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. | 1728 |
Malcolm, Alexander. | A new system of arithmetick theorical and | 1730 |
Martin, Nicolo di, | Algebrae geometria promotae elementa consc | 1737 |
Tacquet, Andre, | Elementa geometriae planae ac solidae | 1738 |
Saunderson, Nicolas, | The elements of algebra, in ten books | 1740 |
Bernoulli, Jean, | Johannis Bernoulli ... Opera omnia, tam an | 1742 |
Marsh, John, | Decimal arithmetic made perfect : or, The | 1742 |
Strong, Martin. | An essay on the usefulness of mathematical | 1745 |
Agnesi, Maria Gaetan | Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della giove | 1748 |
Dilworth, Thomas, | The schoolmasters assistant. | 1749 |
Rivard, | Elements de mathematiques. | 1752 |
Euler, Leonhard, | Institutiones calculi differentialis cum e | 1755 |
Moivre, Abraham de, | The doctrine of chances: or, A method of c | 1756 |
Clark, Samuel, | The laws of chance : or, A mathematical in | 1758 |
Carisi, Pellegrino F | Scuola d'aritmetica pratica | 1760 |
Taylor, Michael, | A sexagesimal table, exhibiting, at sight, | 1780 |
Condorcet, Jean-Anto | Essai sur l'application de l'analyse a la | 1785 |
Pico della Mirandola | Le rivoluzioni delle figure numeriche, sci | 1792 |
Workman, Benjamin. | The American accountant. | 1793 |
Kaestner, Abraham Go | Geschichte der Mathematik seit Wiederherst | 1796 |
Lagrange, J. L. | Theorie des fonctions analytiques, contena | 1797 |
Lee, Chauncey, | The American accomptant; being a plain, pr | 1797 |
Encyclope die methodique: dictionnaire des | 1798 | |
Hamilton, Robert, | An introduction to merchandize. | 1799 |
Montucla, Jean Etien | Histoire des mathematiques dans laquelle o | 1799 |
Gauss, Carl Friedric | Disquisitiones arithmeticae | 1801 |
Taylor, Thomas, | The elements of the true arithmetic of inf | 1809 |
Vince, Samuel, | The principles of fluxions: designed for | 1812 |
Allaize, | Cours de mathematiques, a l'usage des ecol | 1813 |
Taylor, Thomas, | The elements of a new arithmetical notatio | 1823 |
Colburn, Warren, | Arithmetic : being a sequel to First lesso | 1824 |
Dupin, Charles, | Mathematics practically applied to the use | 1827 |
Barnes, William, | A few words on the advantages of a more co | 1834 |
Ostrander, Tobias. | A complete system of mensuration of superf | 1834 |
Barnes, William, | A mathematical investigation of the princi | 1835 |
Walkingame, Francis, | The tutor's assistant : being a compendium | 1839 |
Loewenstein, Baruch | Bikure ha-limudiyot : le-va'er divre hakha | 1863 |
Mishnat ha-Middot. | Mishnat ha-midot. | 1864 |
Slonimski, Hayyim Se | Yesode hokhmat ha-shi`ur. | 1865 |
Shlipirz, Yosef ben | Sefer Tsofnat pa`neah : bo gilah ha-mehabe | 1873 |
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Last Updated on 5/24/99