
From: The Mathematical and Philosophical Works
of the Right Reverend John Wilkins. London, 1708.
(Listed in General)





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Ali ibn Abi al-Rijal Albohazen Haly filii Abenragel libri De ju 1551
Bailly, Jean Sylvain Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la 1779
Bailly, Jean Sylvain Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la 1785
Baxter, Andrew, Matho : or, The cosmotheoria puerilis, a d 1745
Bonatti, Guido, Guidonis Bonati foroliviensis mathematici 1550
Burritt, Elijah H. Atlas designed to illustrate the Geography 1850
Copernicus, Nicolaus Nicolai Copernici Torinensis. Astronomia i 1617
Costard, George, A letter to Martin Folkes, esq., president 1746
Curson, H. The theory of sciences illustrated; or, Th 1702
Delmedigo, Joseph So Elim : Ma`yan ganim : Hukot shamayim : Gev 1864
Ewing, John, A plain elementary and practical system of 1809
Ferguson, James, Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton' 1715
Ferguson, James, Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton' 1757
Ferguson, James, The young gentleman and lady's astronomy, 1792
Fontenelle Conversations on the plurality of worlds. 1767
Fontenelle The theory or system of several new inhabi 1718
Fontenelle, Conversations on the plurality of worlds. 1808
Fontenelle, Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes, su 1831
Foster, Samuel, Elliptical, or azimuthal horologiography 1654
Galilei, Galileo, Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matemati 1632
Galilei, Galileo, Opere di Galileo Galilei ... 1655
Galilei, Galileo, Systema cosmicvm, 1663
Galilei, Galileo, Memorie e lettere inedite finora o dispers 1818
Gallucci, Giovanni P Theatrum mundi, et temporis 1589
Gamaches, Etienne Si Astronomie physique, ou, Principes generau 1740
Gans, David ben Solo Nehmad ve-na`im : al kelalot hokhmot ha-te 1743
Gassendi, Pierre, Institutio astronomica Iuxta Hypotheseis t 1647
Gibbon, John, Day-fatality, or, Some observation of days 1679
Goiffon, Joseph, Harmonie des deux spheres celeste et terre 1739
Gordon, George, An introduction to geography, astronomy, a 1726
Gosselin, Jean, Kalendrier gregorien perpetuel, traduit de 1583
Graaf, Abraham de De starre-kinst. 1659
Gregory, David, Astronomiae, physicae & geometricae elemen 1702
Harris, John, Astronomical dialogues between a gentleman 1719
Hiffernan, Paul, The philosophic whim: or, Astronomy a farc 1774
Hill, John, Urania: or, a compleat view of the heavens 1754
Hoechheimer, Elijah Shevile de-raki`a. 1863
Holder, William A discourse concerning time, with applicat 1701
Horrocks, Jeremiah, Jeremiae Horroccii, Liverpoliensis Angli, 1673
Huygens, Christiaan Christiani Hugenii #, sive, De terris coel 1698
Huygens, Christiaan The celestial worlds discover'd : or, Conj 1722
Huygens, Christiaan, Christiani Hugenii Zulichemii dum viveret 1724
Jennings, David, An introduction to the use of the globes, 1747
Joanne Hyginus Hygini quae hodie extant, adcurante 1674
Kaestner, Abraham Go Geschichte der Mathematik seit Wiederherst 1796
Keill, John An examination of the reflections on the t 1699
Keill, John, An introduction to the true astronomy : or 1730
Kennedy, John, A complete system of astronomical chronolo 1762
Laplace, Pierre Simo The system of the world : in two volumes 1809
Leybourn, William, The compleat surveyor: containing the whol 1679
Maestlin, Michael, Epitome astronomiae, qva brevi explication 1624
Manilius, Marcus. Marci Manilii Astronomicon. 1655
Manilius, Marcus. The five books of M. Manilius, 1697
Manilius, Marcus. The sphere of Marcus Manilius made an Engl 1675
Martin, Benjamin, Philosophia Britannica : or, a new and com 1747
Mizauld, Antoine Antonii Mizaldi Monluciani Zodiacus, siue 1553
Mizauld, Antoine Antonii Mizaldi Monlvciani, 1552
Montucla, Jean Etien Histoire des mathematiques dans laquelle o 1799
Moore, Jonas, A mathematical compendium; or, Useful prac 1705
Moxon, Joseph, A tutor to astronomy and geography. 1674
Munckerus, Thomas, Mythographi latini. C. Jul. 1681
Murphy, Patrick, Meteorology, considered in its connexion 1836
Nichol, John Pringle The architecture of the heavens. 1851
Nichol, John Pringle Thoughts on some important points relating 1848
Nichol, John Pringle Views of the architecture of the heavens 1839
Norton, William Augu An elementary treatise on astronomy. 1839
Passemant, Claude Description et usage des telescopes, micro 1763
Peucer, Kaspar, De dimensione terrae et geometrice numeran 1554
Peurbach, Georg von Novae theoricae planetarum Georgii Peurbac 1534
Peurbach, Georg von, Theoricae novae planetarum ... 1581
Piccolomini, Alessan Della sfera del mondo. 1552
Poincare, Henri, Les methodes nouvelles de la mecanique cel 1892
Proclus, Procli De sphaera liber. Cleomedis De mvn 1553
Proctor, Richard A. Essays on astronomy: a series of papers on 1872
Riccioli, Giovanni B Astronomiae reformatae tomi duo : quorum p 1665
Rowning, John, A compendious system of natural philosophy 1765
Sacro Bosco, Joannes Opusculu<m> de sphera mu<n>di Ioannis de s 1526
Slafter, Edmund F. History and causes of the incorrect latitu 1882
Slonimski, Hayyim Se Kokhva de-shavit : kolel korot hokhmat ha- 1835
Speer, Joseph Smith The West-India pilot: containing piloting 1771
Sprat, Thomas, Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's Voya 1665
Staveren, Augustinus Auctores mythographi latini. 1742
Streete, Thomas. Astronomia Carolina : a new theory of the 1710
Tanner, John. Angelus Britannicus: an ephemeris. For the 1687
Ward, Seth, Idea trigonometriae demonstratae : in usum 1654
Whewell, William, Astronomy and general physics : considered 1833
Whewell, William, Astronomy and general physics considered 1839
Whiston, William, Astronomical lectures, read in the publick 1728
Whiston, William, Sir Isaac Newton's mathematick philosophy 1716
Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world, or A discourse 1684
Wing, Vincent, Geodaetes practicus redivivus. The art of 1700
  Calendrier pour la Deuxieme Annee de la Re 1793
  Poor Robin, 1687 : an almanack of the old 1687
  The American agriculturist family cyclopae 1885
  White's coelestial atlas; or, An <serial> 1750

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Last Updated on 5/24/99