University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection

Production number 46

Production title: [1962 homecoming parade]

Production date: 1962

Color / no sound

Total running time: 00:14:00

No production information given.

Derived from 16 mm film.

Available in VHS, DVD, and Sony DV-cam.

This film depicts the 1962 homecoming parade at the University of Florida.  It is heavily spliced and the picture quality is very poor.  The first nine minutes are very dark, but the color is adequate.  The last four minutes are not dark, but the color has faded almost completely.


0:00    Parade. Flying Saucer (theme was Race to Space) float and other floats and bands.  George Smathers appears briefly.  Occasional shots of onlookers.

6:10    House decorations.

blank space

9:50    Parade

10:50    Assembly point behind stadium followed by more parade scenes.

14:00    Film ends

University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection Directory