Production number 126


Production title:  Interview of John Lombardi

Production date:  1989

Original format:  VHS videotape

Color and sound

Total Running time:  92 minutes


Title available as MPEG-2 and Digital Betacam

File name:  Lombardi89


Source:  University of Florida Archives – Presidential Search

                  Committee Records, Series P17


This is a tape made when John V. Lombardi came to be interviewed for the position of President of the University of Florida.  At the very start of the tape a man is completing his introduction of Dr. Lombardi and said that he would speak for about 10 minutes.  John Lombardi, who was then Provost and Chief Operating Officer at Johns Hopkins University, proceeded to give a succinct and well organized talk for about that length of time.  He spoke about the four things that one should look for in a university and described each.  Following his talk there was a question and answer session.  Some of the questions included:  how UF could integrate academic and industrial research, how being a provost differed from being the president of a university, how could the university have both a research institution and a good undergraduate program, and what is the proper roll of intercollegiate athletics in a university community.  Lombardi’s answers were very well thought out and presented. 
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