University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection

Production number 41

Production title:  [President Reitz, homecoming scenes]

Production date: 1955; ?

Black and white / no sound; Color / sound

Total running time: 00:13:20

Derived from 16 mm film.

Available in VHS, DVD, and Sony DV-cam.

Part of Earl Jernigan's Film Archive.

This production consists of two separate film reels.  The first was made in 1955 and depicts newly appointed UF president, J. Wayne Reitz, in his office and home.  This is the followed by scenes of the 1955 homecoming. The second reel consists of several retakes for a promotional film aimed at General Electric.  The purpose for the second film is not explained.


0:00    Reitz in his office with other administrators.  George Baughman, University Business Manager, presidential assistant Edith Pitts, and Vice President John Stuart Allen are present. 

1:55    Reitz at home with wife and daughters.

3:50    Homecoming parade shot from downtown.

5:15    House decorations

5:45    Blue Key Banquet (too dark to identify people)

6:15    Gator Growl

8:55    Coeds outside Hub.

9:20    Second film. Color with sound.  Several takes of message to General Electric from Reitz in his office.

13:20    Film ends


University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection Directory