University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection

Production number 33

Production title:  Sigma Chi Derby

Production date:  1966

Color / no sound

Total running time:  00:08:08 minutes

There is no production or credit information available for this film.

Available in VHS, DVD, and Sony DV-cam.

Derived from 16 mm film.

This film documents the Sigma Chi Derby depicted in the 1966 Seminole yearbook.

The film begins with parades of cars, motorcycles, and bicycles and then proceeds to show the various events as races, beauty contest, and costume contest which took place.


00:0     Blank

0:14    A parade of cars (many decorated and holding six or more passengers), and bicycles (most with two riding) come onto a field.

0:48    A parade of cars, motor cycles, bicycles proceeds down University Avenue.

1:24    A number of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity members and a few women sit or stand on the steps outside the fraternity house watching the parade.

1:44    A brief view of the cars again.

1:48    A field with a blue tent like construction.  A flap is opened and about eight or more women enter and then the flap is closed behind them.

2:08    A view of the large crowd on the side of the field.

2:15    A woman races out of the blue tent and the other women walk out.

2:28    A woman lies on her back while someone above tries to pour liquid into the cup.  Another woman is shown smiling as someone wipes off her face.

2:43    Grass.  Film probably kept running by mistake.

2:54    A large group of people (fraternity and sorority members) stand near the Century Tower.

3:03    Some sort of game such as tag football takes place on the field.  View of a child's wading pool filled with flour.

3:29    A mad scramble takes place as about ten women dive into the pool and try to retrieve some items.  It probably was the button toss game.

4:24    A race takes place with women from different sororities as contestants.  They run with inflated inner tubes, then don burlap sacks and hop across the field, and then women in pairs run across the field.  Dorms can be seen in the background.

5:09    Several women are shown with cream all over their faces.

5:17    The ground is seen and then the film goes blank.

5:31    An egg contest takes place with someone cracking an egg open and trying to get the contents into a cup which is held in the mouth of a woman lying on her back on the ground.  Several different women are shown in this sequence.

6:35    The crowd is shown again with one group of women in orange t-shirts jumping up and down and hugging each other.

6:42    A man dressed as a woman carries a sign reading "Sigma Chi Pleasure Unit".  Other men wear costumes and some carry large signs.  A cart is decorated with gold paper and one man rides a horse.  This may have been a costume contest for Sigma Chi pledges.

7:11    The women contestants in the beauty contest line up and they are attired in shorts, t-shirts, derbies, and high heels.

7:28    Another race takes place.  About six dowel rods are set up with each dowel resting on two soda bottles which are about two and a half feet apart and perhaps ten inches off the ground.  Each woman has to scoot under the dowel on her back without knocking the dowel down.

8:08    End of film.

University of Florida Archives Moving Image Collection Directory