University of Florida Public Services Division
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February 27, 2002


Members Present:   Rich Bennett, Suzanne Brown, Pam Cenzer, Gary Cornwell, Robena Cornwell, Lori Driscoll, Carol Drum, Lei Lani Freund, David Fuller, Barbara Hood, Ann Lindell, Richard Phillips, Alice Primack, Patrick Reakes, Jana Ronan, Colleen Seale, Jan Swanbeck, Carol Turner

Members Absent:  Helen Armstrong, Kate Lee, Robert Singerman, Carl Van Ness

  1. Libqual + Plans – Lori Driscoll
    We will be starting an experimental national email survey called LibQual + at the end of this month. The Association for Research Libraries and Texas A&M have been doing this survey for 3 years. Approximately 171 institutions that are participating. It will be sent to a random sample of undergrads, grads, and faculty. It will have 25 questions that will rank 4 different dimensions of library service quality. It is general perceptions of service, what their expectations of service are and how they perceive the library to be meeting that service. In a couple weeks the library we will receive an email explaining the survey and a link to an FAQ page. The week after that there will be an invitation to participate to the survey sample that has been selected, letting them know that the following week they will receive the link to the survey. The last week of March they will receive the link to the survey. The week after that the entire sample will receive a reminder notice because it is completely confidential and we have no way of knowing who have responded. . They will do the compilations and provide us with the aggregate and all of our data at ALA in June. A presentation will be given for the libraries with the results of the survey. The survey sits on a server at Texas A&M. The faculty addresses will come from CIRCA. They will do a random sampling eliminating Health Science Center faculty, Law faculty, and Library faculty. The student data will come from the registrar and will eliminate Health Science Center and Law. There will be 3000 undergrads, 2000 grads, and 1000 faculty. There will be an announcement in the Faculty Newsletter and the Alligator letting people know to be on the lookout for the survey. On the FAQ page there will be a link to a sample survey with past questions that have been used if staff would like to review this information. The response rates in the past have been about 14%. The results will give demographic information on the respondents.

  2. Update on instruction, UCET sessions, and One City One Story – Alice Primack
    • Instruction – The library had 63 people teach in 2001. The instructors are from Public Services, Technical Services, Access Services, and Systems. The statistics show that for all the libraries including HSC and Law that in Spring 2000 we taught 257 hours reaching over 4000 people. That is about 400 more than the Spring 1999. In the Summer we taught 142 hours, reaching 2300 people and in the Fall 2001 528 hours. It totals 937 hours. That includes one recess course that was Jan and ______ a one-credit course that was taught by Peter Malanchuk, Dan Reboussin and Pat Buchannan. There were large programs for Preview and other orientations. We did a lot more this year with 1st Year Florida via Jana’s tours. There are several writing in courses developed by the English Department. They have them in at least Psychology, Pre Med, Pre Law and Physical Sciences. These are Gordon Rule courses being developed in English for students in majors. We had a large program in Biological Sciences for majors. The ELI programming has expanded and freshman English. The statistics are available on the Public Services web page and on the Library Instruction page.
    • UCET sessions – The Library tried doing some workshops with UCET to reach faculty. Eleven signed up for the 1st demo we offered, “Desk Top Delivery of the Digital Library”, however only 7 attended. Only three signed up for the 2nd demo, therefore it was cancelled. There was a follow-up hands-on session in which 10 registered and only seven attended. We will offer another session on April 3rd entitled, “Incorporating Libraries Resources and Services into ____”. Anyone interested in working on this session should contact Alice.
    • One City One Story - This program has been spearheaded by the Hippodrome to encourage the Gainesville community to read one book, The Diary of Ann Frank. The preview will begin tonight and run through March. There will be discussions, panels and activities. The library did a resource guide of books about the Diary of Ann Frank, books by Ann Frank and books about Diversity. It is linked to the One City One Story web page. Alice is still trying to arrange a program of readings from the Diary of Ann Frank on campus but has not been able to get the people from theater lined up.

  3. Update on ILLiad implementation – David Fuller
    There are a couple of areas that are still being ironing out. The main one is the patron authentication. When it was initially set up we thought that ILLiad was authenticating the users, however it is not. David, Winston and Rich have been working on this. It is pretty much solved. One area that we have to work on it is about what we do once the semester has started and someone registers. The patron files are updated weekly at FCLA. Once it does a weekly update what to we do about patrons that register, come into the library, have a patron profile setup, get their card activated but the update hasn’t went to ILLiad. They are working on getting these patrons access. They are also looking at WEBLuis request. Currently, users can go to the WEBLuis database and submit an ILL request. We are working with ATLAS to set ILLiad up to do the same thing so a user submitting an ILL request from the citation database the information will import over. They are also looking at FirstSearch Request. Currently, ILL users are allowed to submit ILL requests while in FirstSearch. Those requests then come in through OCLC in a review file. The requests are then keyed into the scope database so that there is a record of the request. ILLiad has an importation capability that will allow us to import those records into ILLiad without having to key them into a separate system. What we have found is that we can import the records however it doesn’t match them up to user profiles. The last thing that needs to be done from a Public Service standpoint is to edit the ILLiad web page for content. On the staff side we have been processing requests from ILLiad. On March 15th they will go to UNF to observe their process. They are looking at keeping 4 forms; thesis form, book form, photocopy form and possibly the book chapter form. David ask staff to review the forms and provide feedback to him about anything that is not clear. He will send out an email with the URL. Rich will send out the forms that UNF is using.

  4. Update on Library West building plans, Library West Collection Preparation Steering Committee, and Storage Facility Committee – Carol Turner
    • Library West building plans – Most of what that has been going on since the 1st of the year is a review of the initial numbers submitted by the Architects. They were working with the original building program and then trying to sort out what different activities might go on each floor and how much square feet would be devoted to those activities. The basic concept is that the new edition will be stack and West will be renovated for user and staff space. We are up to 2300 feet possible in West with a variety of seating such as, careles and lounge chairs, tables and group studies. There will be some user space in the new building.

      This week we have been talking about working with OIR and CIRCA and having general use machines to be managed by CIRCA. There is not a clear definition of where the machines would be located. Gary Cornwell and Jana Ronan would like to be involved these discussions. There are concerns about whether we can afford to provide space for a CIRCA lab and if CIRCA would hold up there end as far as staffing and maintenance of the machines. Carol Turner asked for suggestions.

    • Library West Collection Preparation Steering Committee - Materials in Library West will be re-classed to LC. There is also a plan to set up an Area Studies portion of the collection. In both cases collections needs to be reviewed and there is material that needs to be deselected. The committee is looking at these issues and things that need to be done such as, collection review, identification of areas studies materials, re-classing from Dewey to LC, changing the catalog records and labels and moving books and how all that gets staged. This committee was appointed to look at these issues, plan and identify groups that need to work on these things. Bob Singerman is Chair and members are Sang SooHoo, Dana _____, Lawan Orser, Priscilla Williams, Naomi Young.

    • Storage Facility Committee - The provost requested Dale to look at need and plans for a storage facility. The committee looked at the statistics, growth and shelving to estimate how long it would last. There were three components. The materials in Library West, the Health Center and the libraries as a whole, including the branches. Estimates are that the new edition would be 81% full when we move in therefore the committee recommended getting a storage facility. The committee has provided Dale with their report.

  5. Discussion of closing hours
    There have been reports that some Libraries are closing before their posted hours. AFA and MSL close the Circulation Desk at a quarter till because of problems getting patrons out of the building by the actually closing time. Also, run into the problem of staff and students running over their scheduled work- week. There needs to be flexibility in adjusting their hours. It might help to adjust staff hours to a schedule where they come in 15 minutes later and leave 15 minutes later. It was decided that the posted hours will be observed and it is OK to announce that the library will be closing and please bring materials to the Circulation Desk.

  6. Other updates, reports, and issues
    • Serial Solutions Interface – Rich – The search engine is working. Staff can try it out by going to the E-Journals page and click on the tower in the upper right corner. Handouts were distributed to demonstrate the contrast in display when a search is done verses a browse and to contrast that with what is seen in the UF catalog when doing a similar search. The Health Science Center has the XML file mounted one of their servers. The search interface and html pages are located on our server. Rich will make the interface public after Spring break. Serial Solutions files are updated for us once every two months. Rich asked staff to review the interface and report any errors to him.
    • RefeXpress – Jana - Distributed RefeXpress statistics and a list of databases that push and at what point they breakdown. Hopefully, the new server software upgrade will correct some of these problems. Have had 336 chat sessions this semester (9-10 a day).
    • The interview for the Head of Education Library is scheduled for March 19th with Iona Malanchuk.
    • Carrie Hunt with the Education Library will retire on May 23, 2002.

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Last Updated October 07, 2002